Nlccmjmiller 403.111.2222


Christmas Mess Dinner - Dec 12, 2023

December 10th 2023
NLCC MJ Miller's Mess Dinner - December 12, 2023
NLCC MJ Miller's Mess Dinner will be December 12, 2023 beginning at 1815 hours and ending at 2100 hours.
Male Cadets:
Dress will be our formal Service Dress Uniforms (No. 1)
 consisting of:
  • Clean and ironed properly NLCC MJ Miller blue dress shirt with rank epaulets and lanyard if applicable
  • If you are cold, you may wear your NLCC MJ Miller blue t shirt under the dress shirt
  • Clean and ironed properly Black dress trousers with white belt and brass buckle
  • Clean black socks
  • Clean and polished black boots or shoes if your feet are too small to obtain boots (usually below size 3)
  • If your hair is longer than the bottom of your dress shirt collar, it must be put up in a bun with a hairnet and elastics that are the colour of your hair and your hair must be gelled back if you have fly away hairs on the sides. 
  • NO ponytails!!
Those of you without Uniforms issued yet, should wear:
  • White collared dress shirt with black tie
  • Black dress trousers with a black belt
  • Black socks
  • Black dress shoes
Female Cadets:
Female Cadets have a choice for this occasion;
They may wear their Service Dress Uniforms (No. 1) consisting of:
  • Clean and ironed properly NLCC MJ Miller blue dress shirt with rank epaulets and lanyard if applicable
  • If you are cold, you may wear your NLCC MJ Miller blue t shirt under the dress shirt
  • Clean and ironed properly Black dress trousers with white belt and brass buckle
  • Clean black socks
  • Clean and polished black boots or shoes if your feet are too small to obtain boots (usually below size 3)
  • If your hair is longer than the bottom of your dress shirt collar, it must be put up in a bun with a hairnet and elastics that are the colour of your hair and your hair must be gelled back if you have fly away hairs on the sides. 
  • NO ponytails!!
Those of you without Uniforms issued yet, should wear:
  • White collared dress shirt with black tie
  • Black dress trousers with a black belt
  • Black socks
  • Black dress shoes

They may wear a formal dress.
Dresses should be no shorter than just above the knee and should not leave the shoulders exposed (no spaghetti straps).
If your shoulders are exposed then you should also waer a shawl.

Click here for more Mess Dinner details:


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