Nlccmjmiller 403.111.2222


Branch Inspection - Nov 22, 2023

November 21st 2023
Branch Inspection - November 21, 2022
A Branch Inspection is a formal parade where the a Richmond/Delta Branch representative (usually the Branch President) Reviews the Ships' Company. Also, our BCMD Area Officer will usually Inspect the Ships' Company as well..

Cadets normally have an Review and Inspection as well as perform a March Past, an Advance in Review Order, and a General Salute led by the Coxswain.
Most of the time, it is only the Branch and BCMD Area Offcier inspecting the Ships Company but there are times where other guests may also be invited to partake. Make sure that you dress and act appropriately.
It also means that we wear our formal Service Dress Uniforms (No. 1) consisting of:
  • White Top with NLCC MJ Miller cap tally
  • Clean and ironed properly NLCC MJ Miller blue dress shirt with rank epaulets and lanyard if applicable
    If you are cold, you may wear your NLCC MJ Miller blue t shirt under the dress shirt
  • Clean and ironed properly Black dress trousers with white belt and brass buckle
  • Clean black socks
  • Clean and polished black boots or shoes if your feet are too small to obtain boots (usually below size 3)
  • Pea coat
  • If your hair is longer than the bottom of your dress shirt collar, it must be put up in a bun with a hairnet and elastics that are the colour of your hair and your hair must be gelled back if you have fly away hairs on the sides. This includes male and female Cadets.
    NO ponytails!!
Those of you without Uniforms issued yet, should wear:
  • White collared dress shirt with black tie
  • Black dress trousers with a black belt
  • Black socks
  • Black dress shoes

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